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Druva recommends you to use the Phoenix Management Console to upgrade Phoenix agents to the latest versions. For more information, see Agent upgrades


Before you begin


Ensure the following:

  • You are logged on as a root user on the server on which you want to install the NAS proxy.
  • Your server matches the requirements listed in the System requirements section. 
  • You have downloaded the NAS proxy installer on the server. You can download the installer from the Druva downloads page. You can also download the installer from the Phoenix Management Console at the time of adding the NAS proxy. 


Upgrade the NAS proxy on RHEL Linux, CentOS, or SLES


  1.  Go to the directory that contains the NAS proxy installer.
  2. Run the command:
    rpm –ivh <new_package name>

    where <new_package name> represents the file name (along with the extension) of the new installer.


 Install the NAS proxy on Ubuntu


  1. Go to the directory that contains the NAS proxy installer.
  2. Run the command:
    dpkg –i <new_package name>

    where <new_package name> represents the file name (along with the extension) of the new installer.
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