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inSyncは、Manage Alerts ページにアラートの概要情報を表示します。アラートは重大度と生成時刻に基づいてソートされます。各UIコンポーネントについては、それぞれのセクションで詳しく説明します。


アラートフィルターを使用して、特定の重大度とタイプのアラートを表示します。タイプによってアラートをフィルタリングして、ステータスを表示することもできます。フィルターは [ Manage Alerts ] ページ内でデフォルトで [ All Severity ] および [ All Types ]というラベルの付いリストボックスです。

選択内容によって、アクティブかどうかに関係なくアラートはRecent またはOlder タブ上にフィルタされます。重大度フィルターではアラートタイプリストもフィルタリングされ、関連するアラートタイプのみがアラートタイプリストに表示され、選択できます。


重大度 アラート





Cloud Apps Status
Critical Preserved Users Limit Reached -Warning
Endpoint Encryption Failed
License Expiry
Only One Admin Configured
Preserved Users Limit Reached
User Preservation Failed




Cache Storage Space Low
Low Guest User License
Low Storage Space Available
Low User Storage Space Available
Unauthorized Access



Misconfigured Backup Folder
Outlook Misconfiguration
Salesforce Backup Failed
System, App Settings Backup Failed
User Backup Inactivity

Notifications (通知) の重大度のアラートは Recent タブや Older タブには表示されずフィルタリングできないため、表には含まれません。

:フィルターは、ウィジェットに表示される情報には影響しません。ただし、フィルターを使用すると、ウィジェットは非表示になります。クリック してウィジェットを再度表示できます  。


Search by Source を使用して、特定のソースに対して生成されたアラートを検索します。検索はRecentおよびOlderタブに適用されます。 

Search by Source ] を実行すると、ウィジェットが非表示になることに注意してください。 







ウィジェット名 説明



Displays a pie chart of active alerts categorized by their severity. Different color schemes are assigned to each severity. 

Top Alert Types



Displays a bar chart of top five most occurred alert types. This helps you to identify the major alert types generated in your environment. 
If the type of alerts are less than five, corresponding number of bars are displayed.

Alert Activities by Days


Displays a bar chart of alerts generated over time. The count is split for alerts created between 0 to 6 days, 7 to 13 days and 14 to 30 days. The bars are further color coded based on the severity. Mouse over the bars to view the respective alert counts. A count of alerts older than 30 days is displayed on the top right corner of the widget. 

Show and hide widgets 

Widgets are displayed by default on the Manage Alerts page. You can hide widgets if required.

  • Click the  button to hide the widgets. 
  • You can restore the view when you click  .

Recent and Older tabs

Recent and Older tabs display alerts sorted by their severity. Alerts can be Critical, High, Warning or Notification in severity. Critical alerts have the highest severity because of the nature of its impact. Muted alerts and alerts with severity as Notification are not displayed on the Recent and Older tabs. 

Recent tab 

Recent tab is the active tab when you access alerts on the Manage Alerts page. Only those alerts which are Critical in severity or were generated within the last 14 days are displayed on this tab. 

Older tab 

Alerts with severity as High or Warning that were created 14 days ago or before are displayed on this tab.

The details displayed in each column on the Recent and Older tabs are as follows:

Column name Information displayed
Type Alert type.


  • Displays the user name for the following alert types:
    • Low User Storage Space
    • User Backup Inactivity
    • Misconfigured Backup Folder
    • Outlook Misconfiguration
    • System, App Settings Backup Failed
  • Displays email address of the user for User Preservation Failed type of alert.
  • Displays Administrator for alerts other than those stated above.
  • Displays the relevant CloudCache Server Name configured for the alert. The CloudCache Servers list can be seen under Manage > CloudCache Server.


Date and time when the last alert was generated. Since inSync does not generate new alerts for the same issue, the alert date and time is updated with the latest instance of the alert. If the alert, however, is active and unresolved for at least 14 consecutive days, it is moved to the Older tab. Alerts with severity as Critical are always displayed on the Recent tab.
Alerts having same severity are sorted in descending order of time.

Severity: Displays if the alert severity is Critical, High or Warning. Critical alerts are sorted at the top followed by High and Warning respectively on the Recent tab. 
On the Older tab, High are sorted at the top followed by Warning since Critical alerts are never displayed to the Older tab. 
Details: Displays details specific to the alert type. The details displayed here help in deciding the further course of action relevant to the alert type.
To view details which exceed the column width, you can simply bring your mouse pointer over the details to view them in the tooltip text.

Note: If any content in the column exceeds the column width, move your mouse pointer over the column content and you can see the column information in the tooltip text.

Settings and Subscriptions tab

Settings and Subscriptions tab displays the list of alerts and their respective subscribers.
The following table describes the details displayed on the Settings and Subscriptions tab.

Column name Description
Alert Type Alert name and type.
Severity Severity assigned to the alert type.
Subscribers Roles and identities who have subscribed for the alert.
Notify Users Displays whether the user notification for the alert has been set to Yes or No.

You can perform various alert settings from this tab. The procedures related to editing and configuring alerts is discussed under the Alert Settings section.

Tooltip help

The help icons  and , placed on the RecentOlder and Settings and Subscriptions tabs, give a high-level information on what is displayed on the respective tabs and what can be your next course of action. Move your mouse pointer over the help icons to view the tooltip help.

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